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Barbara Kaszuba (1983 PoznaÅ„) is a graduate of the Henryk Wieniawski School of Music called “PoznaÅ„ School of Talent” in the violin class of MirosÅ‚aw Bocek (2002) and of the Fryderyk Chopin School of Music in the piano class of Barbara Jarantowska (2003); she is a graduate of the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in PoznaÅ„ in the composition class by prof. G. PstrokoÅ„ska-Nawratil (honours MA degree 2007) and of the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz in the violin class by Prof. Marcin Baranowski 2011; in 2005 a study in Hochschule für Musik in Dresden by prof. W.Krätschmar; in 2007 artistic scholarship in Woodside – California, USA; since 2007 she works at the Academy of Music in PoznaÅ„; in 2013 she obtained PhD degree and in 2019 she obtained habilitation. Barbara Kaszuba belongs to the Polish Composers Association. She tried to compose already in her childhood, submitting her work to critical evaluation of prof. Andrzej Koszewski, prof. Marek Stachowski, prof. Romuald Twardowski. She presented her works at festivals and many concerts in Poland and abroad (Germany, Russia, England, Scotland, Lithuania, Holland, Ukraine, Belarus, Denmark, Norway, Sweden,

Barbara Kaszuba

©2022 wykonanie Barbara Kaszuba. Stworzono przy pomocy

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